Waking Up Again.

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The paintings in Waking Up Again. began their lives as comic book panels. These fragments of a single idea have been reenvisioned as their own ideas. Re-ordered, much of the context removed, they become less narrative, more abstract both as single works and as a body of work.
Some follow the original drawings rather closely, while others obscure their source material, venture away from it, reinterpret it. By re-presenting the work in this way, meaning becomes clearer on an intuitive level, more obscure on a cerebral one. Ultimately, they are studies in mood, feeling, and understanding.
They are about understanding visual signals, interpreting meaning based on colour, shape, form, combined with the frustration of obscured or non sequitur text and fractured drawings. These paintings are no longer a narrative. They are a collection of frozen moments, which we must be felt instead of “read”.